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We have some amazing people at NVC

We know as a club, players, committee, parents, that we have a pretty amazing club with some amazing people within it. I myself love the family feel of the club, everyone is welcome, everyone is encouraged to join in Well it was officially recognised at this years Volleyball England Annual Awards - three of our very own were acknowledged for their, effort, input and inspiration.

Starting with Tracy - Tracy was awarded the Serena Morten Safeguarding Award - some much goes on behind the scenes that people don't see, so this is a great award to receive in recognition of what it takes to ensure out juniors can play. Well done Tracy, and a big thank you from our juniors.

From Tracy - I am so proud to have been awarded Serena’s award at this years Volleyball England annual awards. To have the privilege to continue the work she carried out is a real honour! Young people in our sport are our future and it is stronger than ever! Here’s to you Serena!

Coach Lee is up next - again we know he's great, we know he pushes everyone to reach their full potential - we know his sessions are tough - but they are just some of the things that make him a great coach and this was recognised by Volleyball England when he was awarded Coach of the Year award - Well done Lee!

Last bur certainly not least, Trystan (above with Lee) was shortlisted as Young Volunteer of the Year award - Trystan is instrumental in supporting NVC and more importantly the National League Ladies.

Keep up the good work - your club is very proud of you all.

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